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Lexmark T642n Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

910 ... 914Description: 910 DC Pick Motor DC Pick Motor Stall 911 DC Pick Motor Excessive PWM 912 DC Pick Motor below speed 913 DC Pick Motor over speed 914 DC Pick Motor: No encoder feedback
950Description: NVRAM Mismatch
975 ... 979Description: Network Card x
917Description: Transfer Roll Indicates a problem in the transfer roll area.
951Description: NVRAM Secure NVRAM Missing

Lexmark T642n Common Errors

The most common error codes.

910 ... 914Description: 910 DC Pick Motor DC Pick Motor Stall 911 DC Pick Motor Excessive PWM 912 DC Pick Motor below speed 913 DC Pick Motor over speed 914 DC Pick Motor: No encoder feedback
950Description: NVRAM Mismatch
975 ... 979Description: Network Card x
917Description: Transfer Roll Indicates a problem in the transfer roll area.
951Description: NVRAM Secure NVRAM Missing
910 ... 914Description: 910 DC Pick Motor DC Pick Motor Stall 911 DC Pick Motor Excessive PWM 912 DC Pick Motor below speed 913 DC Pick Motor over speed 914 DC Pick Motor: No encoder feedback
950Description: NVRAM Mismatch
975 ... 979Description: Network Card x
917Description: Transfer Roll Indicates a problem in the transfer roll area.
951Description: NVRAM Secure NVRAM Missing