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Lexmark T642 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

920 ... 925Description: 920 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below temperature when printing. 921 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below standby temperature when the printer is idle 922 Fuser Error Fuser failed to reach standby temperature 923 Fuser E
953Description: NVRAM Chip Failure
927Description: Fan Stalled This is an indication that a printer fan has stalled.
954Description: NVRAM CRC Failure

Lexmark T642 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

920 ... 925Description: 920 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below temperature when printing. 921 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below standby temperature when the printer is idle 922 Fuser Error Fuser failed to reach standby temperature 923 Fuser E
953Description: NVRAM Chip Failure
927Description: Fan Stalled This is an indication that a printer fan has stalled.
954Description: NVRAM CRC Failure
920 ... 925Description: 920 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below temperature when printing. 921 Fuser Error Indicates that the fuser is below standby temperature when the printer is idle 922 Fuser Error Fuser failed to reach standby temperature 923 Fuser E
953Description: NVRAM Chip Failure
927Description: Fan Stalled This is an indication that a printer fan has stalled.
954Description: NVRAM CRC Failure