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Lexmark S2450 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

931Description: Printhead: no first Hsync These errors represent a problem with the printhead.
956Description: Configuration ID Indicates a problem with the Configuration ID.
943Description: Controller Font Version
984Description: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device.
902Description: General Engine Software These errors indicate an unrecoverable engine software error.

Lexmark S2450 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

931Description: Printhead: no first Hsync These errors represent a problem with the printhead.
956Description: Configuration ID Indicates a problem with the Configuration ID.
943Description: Controller Font Version
984Description: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device.
902Description: General Engine Software These errors indicate an unrecoverable engine software error.
931Description: Printhead: no first Hsync These errors represent a problem with the printhead.
956Description: Configuration ID Indicates a problem with the Configuration ID.
943Description: Controller Font Version
984Description: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device.
902Description: General Engine Software These errors indicate an unrecoverable engine software error.