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Lexmark MX6500e Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

845.02Description: Lower scanner module cable has failed.
280.06Description: Paper is missing from the ADF input tray when the scanner expected to see it.
845.03Description: Upper scanner module cable has failed.
282.05...283.03Description: 282.05 Paper reached the media sensor but is late leaving or does not clear it within the specified time. 283.01 Paper remains on the media sensor during the warm-up sequence o283.03 Paper does not reach or is late arriving at the media sens
900.00...900.99Description: An unrecoverable controller board software error occurred while an unknown process was running.

Lexmark MX6500e Common Errors

The most common error codes.

845.02Description: Lower scanner module cable has failed.
280.06Description: Paper is missing from the ADF input tray when the scanner expected to see it.
845.03Description: Upper scanner module cable has failed.
282.05...283.03Description: 282.05 Paper reached the media sensor but is late leaving or does not clear it within the specified time. 283.01 Paper remains on the media sensor during the warm-up sequence o283.03 Paper does not reach or is late arriving at the media sens
900.00...900.99Description: An unrecoverable controller board software error occurred while an unknown process was running.
845.02Description: Lower scanner module cable has failed.
280.06Description: Paper is missing from the ADF input tray when the scanner expected to see it.
845.03Description: Upper scanner module cable has failed.
282.05...283.03Description: 282.05 Paper reached the media sensor but is late leaving or does not clear it within the specified time. 283.01 Paper remains on the media sensor during the warm-up sequence o283.03 Paper does not reach or is late arriving at the media sens
900.00...900.99Description: An unrecoverable controller board software error occurred while an unknown process was running.