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Lexmark MX611 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

984.xxDescription: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.46Description: Toner failed to replenish into the imaging unit
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
133.05...133.08Description: 133.05 CTLS reading above maximum expected value. 133.06 CTLS reading below minimum expected value. 133.08 Excessive CTLS noise.

Lexmark MX611 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

984.xxDescription: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.46Description: Toner failed to replenish into the imaging unit
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
133.05...133.08Description: 133.05 CTLS reading above maximum expected value. 133.06 CTLS reading below minimum expected value. 133.08 Excessive CTLS noise.
984.xxDescription: Invalid command parameter received by the specified device
955.xxDescription: Service Code CRC The Code ROM or NAND flash failed the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) check or the NAND experienced an uncorrectable multi-bit failure. indicates the source of the failure and has one of the following values: • CRC
31.46Description: Toner failed to replenish into the imaging unit
342.54, 342.55, 342.56Description: 342.54 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor no first encoder 342.55 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) motor stop error 342.56 Motor 2 (Separator/Passthru) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
133.05...133.08Description: 133.05 CTLS reading above maximum expected value. 133.06 CTLS reading below minimum expected value. 133.08 Excessive CTLS noise.