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Lexmark MS812dn Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

949.xxDescription: Failed engine card—delay line calibration failure.
121.36Description: Fuser did not heat to allow compression jog
202.45Description: Media remains on the sensor (fuser exit) during the warm.up sequence
200.05, 200.07Description: 200.05 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time. (Media source = MPF tray) 200.07 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time.
282.03Description: Media does not reach or is late arriving at the sensor (ADF pick) within the specified time.

Lexmark MS812dn Common Errors

The most common error codes.

949.xxDescription: Failed engine card—delay line calibration failure.
121.36Description: Fuser did not heat to allow compression jog
202.45Description: Media remains on the sensor (fuser exit) during the warm.up sequence
200.05, 200.07Description: 200.05 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time. (Media source = MPF tray) 200.07 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time.
282.03Description: Media does not reach or is late arriving at the sensor (ADF pick) within the specified time.
949.xxDescription: Failed engine card—delay line calibration failure.
121.36Description: Fuser did not heat to allow compression jog
202.45Description: Media remains on the sensor (fuser exit) during the warm.up sequence
200.05, 200.07Description: 200.05 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time. (Media source = MPF tray) 200.07 Media reached the sensor (input) but did not clear it within the specified time.
282.03Description: Media does not reach or is late arriving at the sensor (ADF pick) within the specified time.