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Lexmark MS312 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

900.xxDescription: Service RIP Software Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
230.01...232.10Description: 230.01 Sheet covering internal duplex sensor during warm up. 230.02 Paper jam around internal duplex. 230.03 Internal duplex sensor never made by leading edge of page. 230.04 Page in duplexer ahead of current reversing page never staged. 230
321.51, 321.52, 321.53Description: 321.51 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor no first encoder 321.52 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor stop error 321.53 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
958.xxDescription: Service NAND Failure Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections.

Lexmark MS312 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

900.xxDescription: Service RIP Software Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
230.01...232.10Description: 230.01 Sheet covering internal duplex sensor during warm up. 230.02 Paper jam around internal duplex. 230.03 Internal duplex sensor never made by leading edge of page. 230.04 Page in duplexer ahead of current reversing page never staged. 230
321.51, 321.52, 321.53Description: 321.51 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor no first encoder 321.52 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor stop error 321.53 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
958.xxDescription: Service NAND Failure Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections.
900.xxDescription: Service RIP Software Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
980.xxDescription: Engine experiencing unreliable communication with the specified device
230.01...232.10Description: 230.01 Sheet covering internal duplex sensor during warm up. 230.02 Paper jam around internal duplex. 230.03 Internal duplex sensor never made by leading edge of page. 230.04 Page in duplexer ahead of current reversing page never staged. 230
321.51, 321.52, 321.53Description: 321.51 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor no first encoder 321.52 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) motor stop error 321.53 Motor 1 (Pick/Lift) PWM underflow (motor overspeed)
958.xxDescription: Service NAND Failure Printer has performed more than 100 “shift and reflash” operations as a result of ECC bit corrections.