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Lexmark CX860 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

212.x5, 212.x7Description: 212.05 Paper fed from the MPF never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.15 Paper fed from tray 1 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.25 Paper fed from tray 2 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.35 Pa
61, 62Description: 61 The hard disk is defective. 62 The hard disk is full.
149.80...149.85Description: 149.80 The motor (redrive) did not turn on. 149.81 The motor (redrive) did not turn off. 149.82 The motor (redrive) speed did not ramp up to the required level. 149.83 The motor (redrive) stalled. 149.84 The motor (redrive) ran too slow. 149
242.x1Description: 242.31 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 3 is the paper source. 242.41 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 4 is the paper s
422.13, 422.15Description: 422.13 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not covered at the specified time. 422.15 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not cleared within the specified time.

Lexmark CX860 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

212.x5, 212.x7Description: 212.05 Paper fed from the MPF never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.15 Paper fed from tray 1 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.25 Paper fed from tray 2 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.35 Pa
61, 62Description: 61 The hard disk is defective. 62 The hard disk is full.
149.80...149.85Description: 149.80 The motor (redrive) did not turn on. 149.81 The motor (redrive) did not turn off. 149.82 The motor (redrive) speed did not ramp up to the required level. 149.83 The motor (redrive) stalled. 149.84 The motor (redrive) ran too slow. 149
242.x1Description: 242.31 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 3 is the paper source. 242.41 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 4 is the paper s
422.13, 422.15Description: 422.13 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not covered at the specified time. 422.15 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not cleared within the specified time.
212.x5, 212.x7Description: 212.05 Paper fed from the MPF never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.15 Paper fed from tray 1 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.25 Paper fed from tray 2 never cleared the sensor (deskew roller entry). 212.35 Pa
61, 62Description: 61 The hard disk is defective. 62 The hard disk is full.
149.80...149.85Description: 149.80 The motor (redrive) did not turn on. 149.81 The motor (redrive) did not turn off. 149.82 The motor (redrive) speed did not ramp up to the required level. 149.83 The motor (redrive) stalled. 149.84 The motor (redrive) ran too slow. 149
242.x1Description: 242.31 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 3 is the paper source. 242.41 Paper remains detected at the sensor (tray 2 pass-through) although the printer is idle. Tray 4 is the paper s
422.13, 422.15Description: 422.13 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not covered at the specified time. 422.15 The sensor (staple finisher rear tamper home) was not cleared within the specified time.