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Lexmark CX310 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

975.xxDescription: 975.xx Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
842.xxDescription: Scanner failure: Communications
954.xxDescription: Service NVRAM Failure The NVRAM chip failure with controller part.
110.01...110.13Description: 110.01 Service Printhead he printhead lost HSYNC 110.02 Service Printhead The printhead failed to complete servo. 110.03 Service Printhead The printhead mirror motors lost motor lock. 110.04 Se
976.xxDescription: 976.xx Service Standard Network or 976.xx Service Network Card x Unrecoverable software or error in network or network card x.

Lexmark CX310 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

975.xxDescription: 975.xx Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
842.xxDescription: Scanner failure: Communications
954.xxDescription: Service NVRAM Failure The NVRAM chip failure with controller part.
110.01...110.13Description: 110.01 Service Printhead he printhead lost HSYNC 110.02 Service Printhead The printhead failed to complete servo. 110.03 Service Printhead The printhead mirror motors lost motor lock. 110.04 Se
976.xxDescription: 976.xx Service Standard Network or 976.xx Service Network Card x Unrecoverable software or error in network or network card x.
975.xxDescription: 975.xx Service Standard Network or 975.xx Service Network Card x Network error: unrecognizable network port.
842.xxDescription: Scanner failure: Communications
954.xxDescription: Service NVRAM Failure The NVRAM chip failure with controller part.
110.01...110.13Description: 110.01 Service Printhead he printhead lost HSYNC 110.02 Service Printhead The printhead failed to complete servo. 110.03 Service Printhead The printhead mirror motors lost motor lock. 110.04 Se
976.xxDescription: 976.xx Service Standard Network or 976.xx Service Network Card x Unrecoverable software or error in network or network card x.