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Lexmark CS720 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

900.xxDescription: Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
243.x3Description: 243.43 Paper fed from tray 4 never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 pass-through). 243.93 Paper never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 passthrough). Paper source is undetermined.
243.x1Description: 243.31 Paper fed from tray 3 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at the sensor (tray 3 trailing edge) after the printer is turned on 243.41 Paper fed from tray 4 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at
230.91Description: Paper remains detected at the sensor (duplex path 1) after the printer is turned on.
200.x2, 200.x3Description: 200.12 Paper fed from tray 1 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 200.13 Paper fed from tray 1 never arrived at the sensor (input). 200.22 Paper fed from tray 2 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 2

Lexmark CS720 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

900.xxDescription: Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
243.x3Description: 243.43 Paper fed from tray 4 never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 pass-through). 243.93 Paper never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 passthrough). Paper source is undetermined.
243.x1Description: 243.31 Paper fed from tray 3 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at the sensor (tray 3 trailing edge) after the printer is turned on 243.41 Paper fed from tray 4 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at
230.91Description: Paper remains detected at the sensor (duplex path 1) after the printer is turned on.
200.x2, 200.x3Description: 200.12 Paper fed from tray 1 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 200.13 Paper fed from tray 1 never arrived at the sensor (input). 200.22 Paper fed from tray 2 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 2
900.xxDescription: Unrecoverable RIP software error/illegal trap.
243.x3Description: 243.43 Paper fed from tray 4 never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 pass-through). 243.93 Paper never arrived at the sensor (tray 3 passthrough). Paper source is undetermined.
243.x1Description: 243.31 Paper fed from tray 3 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at the sensor (tray 3 trailing edge) after the printer is turned on 243.41 Paper fed from tray 4 remains detected at the sensor (tray 3 pass.through) or at
230.91Description: Paper remains detected at the sensor (duplex path 1) after the printer is turned on.
200.x2, 200.x3Description: 200.12 Paper fed from tray 1 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 200.13 Paper fed from tray 1 never arrived at the sensor (input). 200.22 Paper fed from tray 2 was detected earlier than expected at the sensor (input). 2