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Lexmark C920dtn Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

975Description: Unrecognizable Network Port
999Description: Stapler Motor Error
84Description: Replace color photo developers Self explanatory.
56Description: Serial port disabled. Data has been sent to the printer through a disabled serial port.
58Description: Too many bins attached Self explanatory.

Lexmark C920dtn Common Errors

The most common error codes.

975Description: Unrecognizable Network Port
999Description: Stapler Motor Error
84Description: Replace color photo developers Self explanatory.
56Description: Serial port disabled. Data has been sent to the printer through a disabled serial port.
58Description: Too many bins attached Self explanatory.
975Description: Unrecognizable Network Port
999Description: Stapler Motor Error
84Description: Replace color photo developers Self explanatory.
56Description: Serial port disabled. Data has been sent to the printer through a disabled serial port.
58Description: Too many bins attached Self explanatory.