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Lexmark C772n Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

920.xxDescription: TPS Sensor Unrecoverable TPS Sensor Error
152.xxDescription: Motor Cyan cartridge motor error. Cyan cartridge drive assembly This error indicates that the cyan cartridge drive motor has failed to lock, has lost lock, or the signature button could not be read.
200.21, 200.28, 200.29Description: 200.21 Paper Jam Clear Paper Path Laser paper path sensor obstructed. This message indicates that a paper jam has occurred at or near the printer input sensor. Open the printers left door (Paper Jam Removal Door) to access the jammed media.
100.03...100.99Description: ITU Error
950.30...950.60Description: NVRAM Failure

Lexmark C772n Common Errors

The most common error codes.

920.xxDescription: TPS Sensor Unrecoverable TPS Sensor Error
152.xxDescription: Motor Cyan cartridge motor error. Cyan cartridge drive assembly This error indicates that the cyan cartridge drive motor has failed to lock, has lost lock, or the signature button could not be read.
200.21, 200.28, 200.29Description: 200.21 Paper Jam Clear Paper Path Laser paper path sensor obstructed. This message indicates that a paper jam has occurred at or near the printer input sensor. Open the printers left door (Paper Jam Removal Door) to access the jammed media.
100.03...100.99Description: ITU Error
950.30...950.60Description: NVRAM Failure
920.xxDescription: TPS Sensor Unrecoverable TPS Sensor Error
152.xxDescription: Motor Cyan cartridge motor error. Cyan cartridge drive assembly This error indicates that the cyan cartridge drive motor has failed to lock, has lost lock, or the signature button could not be read.
200.21, 200.28, 200.29Description: 200.21 Paper Jam Clear Paper Path Laser paper path sensor obstructed. This message indicates that a paper jam has occurred at or near the printer input sensor. Open the printers left door (Paper Jam Removal Door) to access the jammed media.
100.03...100.99Description: ITU Error
950.30...950.60Description: NVRAM Failure