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Lexmark C544 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

107.08Description: Service Cyan Printhead The cyan laser showed bad in testing
152.05Description: Service Cyan Cartridge Motor Lost lock for motor.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
931.xxDescription: Service Printhead Error There is no first HSYNC.
959.05Description: Service Invalid Firmware Unknown Boot Failure.Update firmware or replace the controllerboard.

Lexmark C544 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

107.08Description: Service Cyan Printhead The cyan laser showed bad in testing
152.05Description: Service Cyan Cartridge Motor Lost lock for motor.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
931.xxDescription: Service Printhead Error There is no first HSYNC.
959.05Description: Service Invalid Firmware Unknown Boot Failure.Update firmware or replace the controllerboard.
107.08Description: Service Cyan Printhead The cyan laser showed bad in testing
152.05Description: Service Cyan Cartridge Motor Lost lock for motor.
122.14Description: Service Fuser Error Fuser shorted thermistor check failed for hot roll thermistor.
931.xxDescription: Service Printhead Error There is no first HSYNC.
959.05Description: Service Invalid Firmware Unknown Boot Failure.Update firmware or replace the controllerboard.