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Lexmark C522 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

144-09, 144-10, 144-11,144-15Description: Motor Error EP Drive assembly cartridge 2 (bottom) motor has failed.
925-01Description: Fan Error Fan has stalled.
905-xxDescription: Engine Software Error These errors indicate an unrecoverable system software error.
947-03Description: Transfer Roll Magenta transfer roll has failed
120-01, 120-02, 120-08, 120-09Description: Fuser Error An error has occurred in the fuser.

Lexmark C522 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

144-09, 144-10, 144-11,144-15Description: Motor Error EP Drive assembly cartridge 2 (bottom) motor has failed.
925-01Description: Fan Error Fan has stalled.
905-xxDescription: Engine Software Error These errors indicate an unrecoverable system software error.
947-03Description: Transfer Roll Magenta transfer roll has failed
120-01, 120-02, 120-08, 120-09Description: Fuser Error An error has occurred in the fuser.
144-09, 144-10, 144-11,144-15Description: Motor Error EP Drive assembly cartridge 2 (bottom) motor has failed.
925-01Description: Fan Error Fan has stalled.
905-xxDescription: Engine Software Error These errors indicate an unrecoverable system software error.
947-03Description: Transfer Roll Magenta transfer roll has failed
120-01, 120-02, 120-08, 120-09Description: Fuser Error An error has occurred in the fuser.