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Kyocera ECOSYS M6526cidn Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

4600Description: LSU cleaning motor error When the LSU cleaning motor is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
2100Description: Developing motor error The developing motor ready input is not given for 5 s during the main motor is ON.
7002Description: Toner motor C error When the toner motor C is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
F010Description: Main PWB checksum error
0180Description: Machine number mismatch Machine number of main and engine does not match.

Kyocera ECOSYS M6526cidn Common Errors

The most common error codes.

4600Description: LSU cleaning motor error When the LSU cleaning motor is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
2100Description: Developing motor error The developing motor ready input is not given for 5 s during the main motor is ON.
7002Description: Toner motor C error When the toner motor C is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
F010Description: Main PWB checksum error
0180Description: Machine number mismatch Machine number of main and engine does not match.
4600Description: LSU cleaning motor error When the LSU cleaning motor is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
2100Description: Developing motor error The developing motor ready input is not given for 5 s during the main motor is ON.
7002Description: Toner motor C error When the toner motor C is driven, the motor over-current detection signal is detected continuously for 50 times (5 s) at 100 ms intervals.
F010Description: Main PWB checksum error
0180Description: Machine number mismatch Machine number of main and engine does not match.