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Kyocera KM2530 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C1110Description: Paper deck motor 2 problem • A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 1 s or longer.
C8430Description: Booklet stitcher punch communication problem
C8010Description: Finisher paper conveying motor problem • The paper conveying motor lockup signal is detected for 0.5 s or longer.
C4000Description: Polygon motor synchronization problem • When the polygon motor starts, the motor does not become stable even after 20 s.
C0470Description: Switchback unit communication problem • Communication errors from the communication microcomputer on the main PCB. No communication: there is no reply after 5 retries. Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error)

Kyocera KM2530 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C1110Description: Paper deck motor 2 problem • A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 1 s or longer.
C8430Description: Booklet stitcher punch communication problem
C8010Description: Finisher paper conveying motor problem • The paper conveying motor lockup signal is detected for 0.5 s or longer.
C4000Description: Polygon motor synchronization problem • When the polygon motor starts, the motor does not become stable even after 20 s.
C0470Description: Switchback unit communication problem • Communication errors from the communication microcomputer on the main PCB. No communication: there is no reply after 5 retries. Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error)
C1110Description: Paper deck motor 2 problem • A motor over-current signal is detected continuously for 1 s or longer.
C8430Description: Booklet stitcher punch communication problem
C8010Description: Finisher paper conveying motor problem • The paper conveying motor lockup signal is detected for 0.5 s or longer.
C4000Description: Polygon motor synchronization problem • When the polygon motor starts, the motor does not become stable even after 20 s.
C0470Description: Switchback unit communication problem • Communication errors from the communication microcomputer on the main PCB. No communication: there is no reply after 5 retries. Abnormal communication: a communication error (parity or checksum error)