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Kyocera DC4585 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C05Description: Drum thermistor. May be reset with simulation 49
C62Description: Open heater lamp. Not sure if this code would light for open thermosfuse or low heat
C20Description: Drive problem (pulse sensor, broken gear, bind etc.)
C21Description: Side registration motor or switch problem (duplex area?)
C30Description: Exposure lamp problem or Auto exposure sensor

Kyocera DC4585 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C05Description: Drum thermistor. May be reset with simulation 49
C62Description: Open heater lamp. Not sure if this code would light for open thermosfuse or low heat
C20Description: Drive problem (pulse sensor, broken gear, bind etc.)
C21Description: Side registration motor or switch problem (duplex area?)
C30Description: Exposure lamp problem or Auto exposure sensor
C05Description: Drum thermistor. May be reset with simulation 49
C62Description: Open heater lamp. Not sure if this code would light for open thermosfuse or low heat
C20Description: Drive problem (pulse sensor, broken gear, bind etc.)
C21Description: Side registration motor or switch problem (duplex area?)
C30Description: Exposure lamp problem or Auto exposure sensor