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Kyocera TASKalfa 5551ci Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

7401Description: Developer unit K type mismatch error Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit K is detected.
7942Description: Laser scanner unit C EEPROM error [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
0980Description: 24 V power down detect If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second.
8510Description: MB conveying motor error 1 (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, MB home position sensor does not turn on within 5 s.
2213Description: Drum motor M startup error [45 ppm/55 ppm model] Drum motor M is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.

Kyocera TASKalfa 5551ci Common Errors

The most common error codes.

7401Description: Developer unit K type mismatch error Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit K is detected.
7942Description: Laser scanner unit C EEPROM error [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
0980Description: 24 V power down detect If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second.
8510Description: MB conveying motor error 1 (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, MB home position sensor does not turn on within 5 s.
2213Description: Drum motor M startup error [45 ppm/55 ppm model] Drum motor M is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.
7401Description: Developer unit K type mismatch error Improper adaptation of the machine and developer unit K is detected.
7942Description: Laser scanner unit C EEPROM error [35 ppm/ 45 ppm/ 55 ppm model] Mismatch of reading data from two locations occurs 8 times successively. Mismatch between writing data and reading data occurs 8 times successively.
0980Description: 24 V power down detect If a 24V power disconnection signal is observed and a 12V power disconnection signal is observed simultaneously for one second.
8510Description: MB conveying motor error 1 (4000-sheet finisher) When initial operation, MB home position sensor does not turn on within 5 s.
2213Description: Drum motor M startup error [45 ppm/55 ppm model] Drum motor M is not stabilized within 5 s since the motor is activated.