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Kyocera TASKalfa 3510i Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0660Description: Hard disk encryption key error
8020Description: Punch motor 2 error Home position is not obtained in 3 s after home position is initialized or in standby.
8410Description: Punch slide motor error 1 The punch slide sensor won’t turn On when home position has been moved by 30 mm.
1040Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder) After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 15 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detect
F041Description: Communication error between Main PWB and Scanner engine

Kyocera TASKalfa 3510i Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0660Description: Hard disk encryption key error
8020Description: Punch motor 2 error Home position is not obtained in 3 s after home position is initialized or in standby.
8410Description: Punch slide motor error 1 The punch slide sensor won’t turn On when home position has been moved by 30 mm.
1040Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder) After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 15 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detect
F041Description: Communication error between Main PWB and Scanner engine
0660Description: Hard disk encryption key error
8020Description: Punch motor 2 error Home position is not obtained in 3 s after home position is initialized or in standby.
8410Description: Punch slide motor error 1 The punch slide sensor won’t turn On when home position has been moved by 30 mm.
1040Description: PF lift motor 2 error (paper feeder) After cassette 4 is inserted, PF lift sensor 2 does not turn on within 15 s. This error is detected 5 times successively. During driving the motor, the lift overcurrent protective monitor signal is detect
F041Description: Communication error between Main PWB and Scanner engine