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Konica-Minolta Bizhub C352P Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C0211Description: Manual tray rise descent error • The bypass lift-up sensor is not blocked even when the tray 2 vertical transport motor has turned for a given number of pulses after the sequence to move the paper lifting plate from the standby position to
C5102Description: Main motor’s failure to turn • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor is turning.
C2653Description: Yellow imaging unit EEPROM access error
C11A2Description: Saddle exit roller pressure/ retraction failure
C6302Description: Exposure lamp cooling fan motor’s failure to turn • The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor remains stationary.

Konica-Minolta Bizhub C352P Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C0211Description: Manual tray rise descent error • The bypass lift-up sensor is not blocked even when the tray 2 vertical transport motor has turned for a given number of pulses after the sequence to move the paper lifting plate from the standby position to
C5102Description: Main motor’s failure to turn • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor is turning.
C2653Description: Yellow imaging unit EEPROM access error
C11A2Description: Saddle exit roller pressure/ retraction failure
C6302Description: Exposure lamp cooling fan motor’s failure to turn • The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor remains stationary.
C0211Description: Manual tray rise descent error • The bypass lift-up sensor is not blocked even when the tray 2 vertical transport motor has turned for a given number of pulses after the sequence to move the paper lifting plate from the standby position to
C5102Description: Main motor’s failure to turn • The motor lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor is turning.
C2653Description: Yellow imaging unit EEPROM access error
C11A2Description: Saddle exit roller pressure/ retraction failure
C6302Description: Exposure lamp cooling fan motor’s failure to turn • The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the motor remains stationary.