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Konica-Minolta Bizhub 808 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

C1103Description: Alignment motor/Front’s drive malfunction. • The alignment plate/F home sensor (PS12) is not turned OFF (unblocked) after the set period of time has elapsed after the plate drive starts from the home po
CDF50, CDF70, CDFA0Description: • CDF50: ASIC image version failure • CDF70: ASIC image access failure • CDFA0: ASIC image error Communication error is detected between the MFP board (MFPB) and the CCD board (CCDB).
C3305Description: Switchback paper cooling fan/1's failure to turn. The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the fan is turning.
C1144Description: Pre-eject drive motor’s drive malfunction. • The pre-eject home sensor (PS21) is not turned OFF (unblocked) or ON (blocked) even after the set period of time has elapsed after the preeject drive motor
72-84Description: Misfeed at SD staple section. The stapler home position sensor/R does not turn ON even after the set period of time has elapsed after the staple operation started.

Konica-Minolta Bizhub 808 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

C1103Description: Alignment motor/Front’s drive malfunction. • The alignment plate/F home sensor (PS12) is not turned OFF (unblocked) after the set period of time has elapsed after the plate drive starts from the home po
CDF50, CDF70, CDFA0Description: • CDF50: ASIC image version failure • CDF70: ASIC image access failure • CDFA0: ASIC image error Communication error is detected between the MFP board (MFPB) and the CCD board (CCDB).
C3305Description: Switchback paper cooling fan/1's failure to turn. The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the fan is turning.
C1144Description: Pre-eject drive motor’s drive malfunction. • The pre-eject home sensor (PS21) is not turned OFF (unblocked) or ON (blocked) even after the set period of time has elapsed after the preeject drive motor
72-84Description: Misfeed at SD staple section. The stapler home position sensor/R does not turn ON even after the set period of time has elapsed after the staple operation started.
C1103Description: Alignment motor/Front’s drive malfunction. • The alignment plate/F home sensor (PS12) is not turned OFF (unblocked) after the set period of time has elapsed after the plate drive starts from the home po
CDF50, CDF70, CDFA0Description: • CDF50: ASIC image version failure • CDF70: ASIC image access failure • CDFA0: ASIC image error Communication error is detected between the MFP board (MFPB) and the CCD board (CCDB).
C3305Description: Switchback paper cooling fan/1's failure to turn. The fan lock signal remains HIGH for a predetermined continuous period of time while the fan is turning.
C1144Description: Pre-eject drive motor’s drive malfunction. • The pre-eject home sensor (PS21) is not turned OFF (unblocked) or ON (blocked) even after the set period of time has elapsed after the preeject drive motor
72-84Description: Misfeed at SD staple section. The stapler home position sensor/R does not turn ON even after the set period of time has elapsed after the staple operation started.