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Konica 2125 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

P51Description: Front door open
F41Description: Scan return problem
P86Description: No toner waste box
F86Description: Too many copies were made after toner waste was full. Reset with 47 mode, code 94.
J21Description: Jam around drum

Konica 2125 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

P51Description: Front door open
F41Description: Scan return problem
P86Description: No toner waste box
F86Description: Too many copies were made after toner waste was full. Reset with 47 mode, code 94.
J21Description: Jam around drum
P51Description: Front door open
F41Description: Scan return problem
P86Description: No toner waste box
F86Description: Too many copies were made after toner waste was full. Reset with 47 mode, code 94.
J21Description: Jam around drum