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HP DesignJet T2530 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

06.2:10Description: Hard disk cannot be unlocked
61:04.1Description: PostScript fonts seem to be missing (advisory)
93.2.n:10Description: Temperature error in First test during in Printhead filling for color n n indicates the failing color: • n=0 stands for photo black • n=1 stands for gray • n=2 stands for matte black • n=3 stands for cyan • n=4 stands for magenta • n=5
21.2:13Description: Failure moving service station
45.1:03, 45.1:10Description: Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder)

HP DesignJet T2530 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

06.2:10Description: Hard disk cannot be unlocked
61:04.1Description: PostScript fonts seem to be missing (advisory)
93.2.n:10Description: Temperature error in First test during in Printhead filling for color n n indicates the failing color: • n=0 stands for photo black • n=1 stands for gray • n=2 stands for matte black • n=3 stands for cyan • n=4 stands for magenta • n=5
21.2:13Description: Failure moving service station
45.1:03, 45.1:10Description: Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder)
06.2:10Description: Hard disk cannot be unlocked
61:04.1Description: PostScript fonts seem to be missing (advisory)
93.2.n:10Description: Temperature error in First test during in Printhead filling for color n n indicates the failing color: • n=0 stands for photo black • n=1 stands for gray • n=2 stands for matte black • n=3 stands for cyan • n=4 stands for magenta • n=5
21.2:13Description: Failure moving service station
45.1:03, 45.1:10Description: Error in the rewinder 1 system (upper rewinder)