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HP DesignJet L28500 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

14.53:01Description: Overdrive power regulator V lower than 140
14.35:01Description: Pinch Power regulator V higher than Vmax
78.2:01Description: The back tension has been lost
17.4:11Description: Main PCA to PrintMech blue 2 cable disconnected
15.06:00Description: Temperature error detected

HP DesignJet L28500 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

14.53:01Description: Overdrive power regulator V lower than 140
14.35:01Description: Pinch Power regulator V higher than Vmax
78.2:01Description: The back tension has been lost
17.4:11Description: Main PCA to PrintMech blue 2 cable disconnected
15.06:00Description: Temperature error detected
14.53:01Description: Overdrive power regulator V lower than 140
14.35:01Description: Pinch Power regulator V higher than Vmax
78.2:01Description: The back tension has been lost
17.4:11Description: Main PCA to PrintMech blue 2 cable disconnected
15.06:00Description: Temperature error detected