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Epson AcuLaser C900 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

6008Description: Main motor error When the Main Motor (M1) does not operate at turning on the power switch.
6025Description: Fusing roller / low temperature error When 80C is not reached in 100 seconds after start of warming up. When the fusing roller temperature has dropped and remained below 70C for 10 seconds during standby.
6011Description: Exhaust fan error When the Exhaust Fan Motor (M6) does not operate at turning on the main switch.
6026Description: Fusing roller / high temperature error When the Fusing Roller temperature is 220°C or higher for 0.1 second. When between 40 seconds and 50 seconds after start of warming up of the Fusing Roller, the Fusing Roller temperature does not rise f
6012Description: Power coolant fan error When the Power Coolant Fan Motor (M4) does not operate at turning on the main switch.

Epson AcuLaser C900 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

6008Description: Main motor error When the Main Motor (M1) does not operate at turning on the power switch.
6025Description: Fusing roller / low temperature error When 80C is not reached in 100 seconds after start of warming up. When the fusing roller temperature has dropped and remained below 70C for 10 seconds during standby.
6011Description: Exhaust fan error When the Exhaust Fan Motor (M6) does not operate at turning on the main switch.
6026Description: Fusing roller / high temperature error When the Fusing Roller temperature is 220°C or higher for 0.1 second. When between 40 seconds and 50 seconds after start of warming up of the Fusing Roller, the Fusing Roller temperature does not rise f
6012Description: Power coolant fan error When the Power Coolant Fan Motor (M4) does not operate at turning on the main switch.
6008Description: Main motor error When the Main Motor (M1) does not operate at turning on the power switch.
6025Description: Fusing roller / low temperature error When 80C is not reached in 100 seconds after start of warming up. When the fusing roller temperature has dropped and remained below 70C for 10 seconds during standby.
6011Description: Exhaust fan error When the Exhaust Fan Motor (M6) does not operate at turning on the main switch.
6026Description: Fusing roller / high temperature error When the Fusing Roller temperature is 220°C or higher for 0.1 second. When between 40 seconds and 50 seconds after start of warming up of the Fusing Roller, the Fusing Roller temperature does not rise f
6012Description: Power coolant fan error When the Power Coolant Fan Motor (M4) does not operate at turning on the main switch.