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Canon iRC5185i Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E590-8002Description: When the puncher cannot detect the punch home position sensor after motor drive has stopped during the initial operation of the punch motor
E744Description: Language file/BootROM error
E5F1-8002Description: Saddle sheet creasing error When the sheet creasing home position sensor status fails to change even when the sheet creasing motor is driven for 3 sec.
E007-0002Description: Fixing belt or pressure belt deviation trouble Pressure belt deviation trouble (trouble in bottom belt push-off or in belt deviation sensor)
E000-0101Description: Insufficient temperature rise of fixing unit when power is turned ON When the temperature of the pressure belt main thermistor failed to reach 50 deg C within 120 sec. after the pressure belt temperature regulation has started

Canon iRC5185i Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E590-8002Description: When the puncher cannot detect the punch home position sensor after motor drive has stopped during the initial operation of the punch motor
E744Description: Language file/BootROM error
E5F1-8002Description: Saddle sheet creasing error When the sheet creasing home position sensor status fails to change even when the sheet creasing motor is driven for 3 sec.
E007-0002Description: Fixing belt or pressure belt deviation trouble Pressure belt deviation trouble (trouble in bottom belt push-off or in belt deviation sensor)
E000-0101Description: Insufficient temperature rise of fixing unit when power is turned ON When the temperature of the pressure belt main thermistor failed to reach 50 deg C within 120 sec. after the pressure belt temperature regulation has started
E590-8002Description: When the puncher cannot detect the punch home position sensor after motor drive has stopped during the initial operation of the punch motor
E744Description: Language file/BootROM error
E5F1-8002Description: Saddle sheet creasing error When the sheet creasing home position sensor status fails to change even when the sheet creasing motor is driven for 3 sec.
E007-0002Description: Fixing belt or pressure belt deviation trouble Pressure belt deviation trouble (trouble in bottom belt push-off or in belt deviation sensor)
E000-0101Description: Insufficient temperature rise of fixing unit when power is turned ON When the temperature of the pressure belt main thermistor failed to reach 50 deg C within 120 sec. after the pressure belt temperature regulation has started