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Canon iRC4580i Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E805-0002Description: Fan error When a shutdown of the cleaner fan has been detected
E713-0004Description: Finisher/printer communication error When communication between the finisher and copier was interrupted
E542-8004Description: Tray shift error When the input of the clock signal could not be detected within 0.2 sec. while the 2nd tray shift motor was running
E020-xx40Description: Concerning the first two digits of the details code in xx12 to xxD0 xx=01: Y xx=02: M xx=03: C xx=04: Bk Incorrect setting of ATR sensor operation values. ATR sensor trouble or a broken/disconnected wire. The drum unit is not installed prop
E004-0205Description: Fixing unit protection circuit trouble Thermistor temperature difference error (combination unknown)

Canon iRC4580i Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E805-0002Description: Fan error When a shutdown of the cleaner fan has been detected
E713-0004Description: Finisher/printer communication error When communication between the finisher and copier was interrupted
E542-8004Description: Tray shift error When the input of the clock signal could not be detected within 0.2 sec. while the 2nd tray shift motor was running
E020-xx40Description: Concerning the first two digits of the details code in xx12 to xxD0 xx=01: Y xx=02: M xx=03: C xx=04: Bk Incorrect setting of ATR sensor operation values. ATR sensor trouble or a broken/disconnected wire. The drum unit is not installed prop
E004-0205Description: Fixing unit protection circuit trouble Thermistor temperature difference error (combination unknown)
E805-0002Description: Fan error When a shutdown of the cleaner fan has been detected
E713-0004Description: Finisher/printer communication error When communication between the finisher and copier was interrupted
E542-8004Description: Tray shift error When the input of the clock signal could not be detected within 0.2 sec. while the 2nd tray shift motor was running
E020-xx40Description: Concerning the first two digits of the details code in xx12 to xxD0 xx=01: Y xx=02: M xx=03: C xx=04: Bk Incorrect setting of ATR sensor operation values. ATR sensor trouble or a broken/disconnected wire. The drum unit is not installed prop
E004-0205Description: Fixing unit protection circuit trouble Thermistor temperature difference error (combination unknown)