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Canon iRC3180C Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E248-0003Description: Backup memory error Reader controller EEPROM reading error after check error writing
E577-0002Description: Paddle error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the paper retaining paddle starts to move from its HP.
E610Description: Failure in the hard disk cryptographic key
E535-0002Description: Swing error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the swing arm starts to move from its HP.
E719-0001Description: Communication error with the coin vender/card reader The coin vender connected before the power is turned off fails to be recognized at power-on.

Canon iRC3180C Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E248-0003Description: Backup memory error Reader controller EEPROM reading error after check error writing
E577-0002Description: Paddle error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the paper retaining paddle starts to move from its HP.
E610Description: Failure in the hard disk cryptographic key
E535-0002Description: Swing error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the swing arm starts to move from its HP.
E719-0001Description: Communication error with the coin vender/card reader The coin vender connected before the power is turned off fails to be recognized at power-on.
E248-0003Description: Backup memory error Reader controller EEPROM reading error after check error writing
E577-0002Description: Paddle error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the paper retaining paddle starts to move from its HP.
E610Description: Failure in the hard disk cryptographic key
E535-0002Description: Swing error Finisher-P1 The HP sensor fails to be OFF within 1000ms after the swing arm starts to move from its HP.
E719-0001Description: Communication error with the coin vender/card reader The coin vender connected before the power is turned off fails to be recognized at power-on.