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Canon iRC1022iF Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E004-0000Description: Error in fixing power supply drive circuit Cannot detect the zero cross signal for the specified period or more.
E014-0000Description: Error in activation of fixing motor When 2.5 sec passed after activation of fixing motor, the cycle of the fixing motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.or more.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error

Canon iRC1022iF Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E004-0000Description: Error in fixing power supply drive circuit Cannot detect the zero cross signal for the specified period or more.
E014-0000Description: Error in activation of fixing motor When 2.5 sec passed after activation of fixing motor, the cycle of the fixing motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.or more.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error
E004-0000Description: Error in fixing power supply drive circuit Cannot detect the zero cross signal for the specified period or more.
E014-0000Description: Error in activation of fixing motor When 2.5 sec passed after activation of fixing motor, the cycle of the fixing motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.or more.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error