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Canon iRC1021iF Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E012-0000Description: Error in activation of motor When 3.5 sec passed after activation of ETB motor, the cycle of ETB motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error
E014-0001Description: Error in activation of fixing motor After the fixing motor speed detection signal became the specified value of the cycle, it exceeds the specified cycle for 2 continuous sec or more.ore.

Canon iRC1021iF Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E012-0000Description: Error in activation of motor When 3.5 sec passed after activation of ETB motor, the cycle of ETB motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error
E014-0001Description: Error in activation of fixing motor After the fixing motor speed detection signal became the specified value of the cycle, it exceeds the specified cycle for 2 continuous sec or more.ore.
E100-0001Description: Error in scanner motor, laser unit, BD Magenta scanner assembly malfunction.
E202-0001Description: Reader HP sensor fault Reader HP outward fault.
E012-0000Description: Error in activation of motor When 3.5 sec passed after activation of ETB motor, the cycle of ETB motor speed detection signal does not become its specified value.
E744-0002Description: Language file/boot ROM/USB memory error Language file size error
E014-0001Description: Error in activation of fixing motor After the fixing motor speed detection signal became the specified value of the cycle, it exceeds the specified cycle for 2 continuous sec or more.ore.