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Canon iR7105 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E744-1000Description: An error exists in the language file/boot ROM. The connected boot ROM is not one designed for the model in question.
E004-0000Description: The fixing unit has a fault. (protective circuit ON) After correcting the fault, be sure to reset the error. (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR) While the sub heater is on, the SSR for the heater drive has a short-circuit for 5 sec or more.
E609-0008Description: The HDD temperature is abnormally low. At start-up, the HDD does not reach a specific temperature within a specific time.
E251-0000Description: The inverter cooling fan rotation is faulty.
E840-0000Description: An HP detection error has occurred in relation to the fixing inlet sensor (fixing wrap jam detection). The home position is not detected when he sensor is moved up/down (i.e., the sensor has not gone on).

Canon iR7105 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E744-1000Description: An error exists in the language file/boot ROM. The connected boot ROM is not one designed for the model in question.
E004-0000Description: The fixing unit has a fault. (protective circuit ON) After correcting the fault, be sure to reset the error. (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR) While the sub heater is on, the SSR for the heater drive has a short-circuit for 5 sec or more.
E609-0008Description: The HDD temperature is abnormally low. At start-up, the HDD does not reach a specific temperature within a specific time.
E251-0000Description: The inverter cooling fan rotation is faulty.
E840-0000Description: An HP detection error has occurred in relation to the fixing inlet sensor (fixing wrap jam detection). The home position is not detected when he sensor is moved up/down (i.e., the sensor has not gone on).
E744-1000Description: An error exists in the language file/boot ROM. The connected boot ROM is not one designed for the model in question.
E004-0000Description: The fixing unit has a fault. (protective circuit ON) After correcting the fault, be sure to reset the error. (COPIER>FUNCTION>CLEAR>ERR) While the sub heater is on, the SSR for the heater drive has a short-circuit for 5 sec or more.
E609-0008Description: The HDD temperature is abnormally low. At start-up, the HDD does not reach a specific temperature within a specific time.
E251-0000Description: The inverter cooling fan rotation is faulty.
E840-0000Description: An HP detection error has occurred in relation to the fixing inlet sensor (fixing wrap jam detection). The home position is not detected when he sensor is moved up/down (i.e., the sensor has not gone on).