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Canon iR2545i Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with Coin Vendor (serial communication)
E240-0001Description: Error in controller communication The serial communication error such as parity error or overrun error is detected while printing.
E004-0000Description: Thermistor disconnection detection error When disconnection is detected with connector (J214) for 30 sec continuously.
E805-0003Description: Unstable rotation of the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) When lock signal failed to be detected for 5 sec while the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) is driven. * The same condition is detected after the error retry is performed.
E531-8001Description: Stapler Motor (M10) error The stapler does not leave the staple home position when the Staple Motor (M10) has been driven for 0.5 sec.

Canon iR2545i Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with Coin Vendor (serial communication)
E240-0001Description: Error in controller communication The serial communication error such as parity error or overrun error is detected while printing.
E004-0000Description: Thermistor disconnection detection error When disconnection is detected with connector (J214) for 30 sec continuously.
E805-0003Description: Unstable rotation of the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) When lock signal failed to be detected for 5 sec while the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) is driven. * The same condition is detected after the error retry is performed.
E531-8001Description: Stapler Motor (M10) error The stapler does not leave the staple home position when the Staple Motor (M10) has been driven for 0.5 sec.
E719-0002Description: Erroneous communication with Coin Vendor (serial communication)
E240-0001Description: Error in controller communication The serial communication error such as parity error or overrun error is detected while printing.
E004-0000Description: Thermistor disconnection detection error When disconnection is detected with connector (J214) for 30 sec continuously.
E805-0003Description: Unstable rotation of the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) When lock signal failed to be detected for 5 sec while the Exhaust Fan (Front) (FAN4) is driven. * The same condition is detected after the error retry is performed.
E531-8001Description: Stapler Motor (M10) error The stapler does not leave the staple home position when the Staple Motor (M10) has been driven for 0.5 sec.