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Canon iR2220i Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E225-0000Description: A specific level cannot be attained for the signal during CCD gain correction at power-on
E531-0002Description: The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec
E716-0000Description: The ID signal is not detected within a specific period of time after the presence of a pedestal is detected
E577-0001Description: The paddle does not leave home position when the paddle motor is driven for 2 sec or more
E5F1-0001Description: The folding roller does not leave home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec

Canon iR2220i Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E225-0000Description: A specific level cannot be attained for the signal during CCD gain correction at power-on
E531-0002Description: The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec
E716-0000Description: The ID signal is not detected within a specific period of time after the presence of a pedestal is detected
E577-0001Description: The paddle does not leave home position when the paddle motor is driven for 2 sec or more
E5F1-0001Description: The folding roller does not leave home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec
E225-0000Description: A specific level cannot be attained for the signal during CCD gain correction at power-on
E531-0002Description: The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec
E716-0000Description: The ID signal is not detected within a specific period of time after the presence of a pedestal is detected
E577-0001Description: The paddle does not leave home position when the paddle motor is driven for 2 sec or more
E5F1-0001Description: The folding roller does not leave home position when the stapler/folder motor is driven for 1.5 sec