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Brother MFC7470D Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

78Description: Fuser unit error. (The center thermistor detects the sharp temperature fall.)
A8Description: Scanning color parameter error for recording the image.
BBDescription: White level data error.
89Description: Paper of the size not supported for duplex printing is set in the tray.
24Description: Internal temperature sensor error.

Brother MFC7470D Common Errors

The most common error codes.

78Description: Fuser unit error. (The center thermistor detects the sharp temperature fall.)
A8Description: Scanning color parameter error for recording the image.
BBDescription: White level data error.
89Description: Paper of the size not supported for duplex printing is set in the tray.
24Description: Internal temperature sensor error.
78Description: Fuser unit error. (The center thermistor detects the sharp temperature fall.)
A8Description: Scanning color parameter error for recording the image.
BBDescription: White level data error.
89Description: Paper of the size not supported for duplex printing is set in the tray.
24Description: Internal temperature sensor error.