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Brother MFC5440CN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

8EDescription: Max. speed error in the paper feed motor.
B5Description: Horizontal scanning edge reduction detection error in scanning area setting (Not used.)
41Description: The head drive voltage has dropped from the high to low level in an abnormally short period.
E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
57Description: After a purging operation, the head/carriage unit will not return to the home position (capping position).

Brother MFC5440CN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

8EDescription: Max. speed error in the paper feed motor.
B5Description: Horizontal scanning edge reduction detection error in scanning area setting (Not used.)
41Description: The head drive voltage has dropped from the high to low level in an abnormally short period.
E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
57Description: After a purging operation, the head/carriage unit will not return to the home position (capping position).
8EDescription: Max. speed error in the paper feed motor.
B5Description: Horizontal scanning edge reduction detection error in scanning area setting (Not used.)
41Description: The head drive voltage has dropped from the high to low level in an abnormally short period.
E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
57Description: After a purging operation, the head/carriage unit will not return to the home position (capping position).