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Brother MFC-J410W Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

57Description: The head/carriage unit does not return to the home position (capping position).
8BDescription: The paper feed motor stops suddenly.
7DDescription: Current protection for the driver IC activated when the cap lift cam was being driven.
A7Description: Mismatch between the type of the CIS mounted and EEPROM data.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.*

Brother MFC-J410W Common Errors

The most common error codes.

57Description: The head/carriage unit does not return to the home position (capping position).
8BDescription: The paper feed motor stops suddenly.
7DDescription: Current protection for the driver IC activated when the cap lift cam was being driven.
A7Description: Mismatch between the type of the CIS mounted and EEPROM data.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.*
57Description: The head/carriage unit does not return to the home position (capping position).
8BDescription: The paper feed motor stops suddenly.
7DDescription: Current protection for the driver IC activated when the cap lift cam was being driven.
A7Description: Mismatch between the type of the CIS mounted and EEPROM data.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.*