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Brother FAX1800C Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
A3Description: Document not detected by the document rear sensor.
26Description: The black ink has run out.
43Description: Head thermister broken.
53Description: The pump switching cam HP switch does not go OFF even after the switching cam has been driven by the specified number of pulses.

Brother FAX1800C Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
A3Description: Document not detected by the document rear sensor.
26Description: The black ink has run out.
43Description: Head thermister broken.
53Description: The pump switching cam HP switch does not go OFF even after the switching cam has been driven by the specified number of pulses.
E6Description: Write error in EEPROM.
A3Description: Document not detected by the document rear sensor.
26Description: The black ink has run out.
43Description: Head thermister broken.
53Description: The pump switching cam HP switch does not go OFF even after the switching cam has been driven by the specified number of pulses.