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Brother FAX1010 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

8BDescription: Recording head overheat.
D1Description: The MODEM setup bit sticks to High.
A5Description: Faulty operation of DMA0 during scanning.
82xxDescription: Although recording paper has been fed by 150 mm after the start of recording, the paper-edge sensor is still OFF.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.

Brother FAX1010 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

8BDescription: Recording head overheat.
D1Description: The MODEM setup bit sticks to High.
A5Description: Faulty operation of DMA0 during scanning.
82xxDescription: Although recording paper has been fed by 150 mm after the start of recording, the paper-edge sensor is still OFF.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.
8BDescription: Recording head overheat.
D1Description: The MODEM setup bit sticks to High.
A5Description: Faulty operation of DMA0 during scanning.
82xxDescription: Although recording paper has been fed by 150 mm after the start of recording, the paper-edge sensor is still OFF.
EADescription: Document removed at phase B.