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Brother DCP385C Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

8DDescription: The paper feed motor rotates in the reverse direction.
81Description: In printing except FAX and list printing, the controller detects that paper is smaller than the specified size in width.
26, 27, 28, 29Description: Running out of ink.
46Description: The number of flushing operations has reached the limit. The flushing box may be filled with drained ink.
AFDescription: CIS positioning error.

Brother DCP385C Common Errors

The most common error codes.

8DDescription: The paper feed motor rotates in the reverse direction.
81Description: In printing except FAX and list printing, the controller detects that paper is smaller than the specified size in width.
26, 27, 28, 29Description: Running out of ink.
46Description: The number of flushing operations has reached the limit. The flushing box may be filled with drained ink.
AFDescription: CIS positioning error.
8DDescription: The paper feed motor rotates in the reverse direction.
81Description: In printing except FAX and list printing, the controller detects that paper is smaller than the specified size in width.
26, 27, 28, 29Description: Running out of ink.
46Description: The number of flushing operations has reached the limit. The flushing box may be filled with drained ink.
AFDescription: CIS positioning error.