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Toshiba e-Studio 2505F Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed).
C452Description: Differential of more than 50°C between center thermistor and side thermistor when READY temperature is reached
E030Description: Paper remaining inside the equipment at power-ON. Power-ON jam
E714Description: Feed signal reception jam
C010Description: Main motor is abnormal

Toshiba e-Studio 2505F Common Errors

The most common error codes.

E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed).
C452Description: Differential of more than 50°C between center thermistor and side thermistor when READY temperature is reached
E030Description: Paper remaining inside the equipment at power-ON. Power-ON jam
E714Description: Feed signal reception jam
C010Description: Main motor is abnormal
E552Description: Paper remaining jam on the transport path (when the cover is closed).
C452Description: Differential of more than 50°C between center thermistor and side thermistor when READY temperature is reached
E030Description: Paper remaining inside the equipment at power-ON. Power-ON jam
E714Description: Feed signal reception jam
C010Description: Main motor is abnormal