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Sharp MXM700 Top Searches

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L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection When it is detected for 3 times continuously in the interval of 500ms after ignoring the main motor drive for 600ms.
E7-57Description: Incompatibility check (70ppm) (Engine (PCU) detection) Incompatibility check trouble An error is detected in the internal incompatibility check in the engine (PCU).
U2-90Description: EEPROM read/write error (PCU) EEPROM communication trouble (NACK detection) Retry 3 times
F1-33Description: Finisher/punch shift motor trouble When operating the punch shift motor, it does not move from the home position in 4sec. When operating the punch shift motor, it does not return to the home position in 4sec.
U1-02Description: RTC read error (combined use as FAX, on MFP control PWB) The read value from the RTC on the MFP control PWB is abnormal such as "EE"h.

Sharp MXM700 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection When it is detected for 3 times continuously in the interval of 500ms after ignoring the main motor drive for 600ms.
E7-57Description: Incompatibility check (70ppm) (Engine (PCU) detection) Incompatibility check trouble An error is detected in the internal incompatibility check in the engine (PCU).
U2-90Description: EEPROM read/write error (PCU) EEPROM communication trouble (NACK detection) Retry 3 times
F1-33Description: Finisher/punch shift motor trouble When operating the punch shift motor, it does not move from the home position in 4sec. When operating the punch shift motor, it does not return to the home position in 4sec.
U1-02Description: RTC read error (combined use as FAX, on MFP control PWB) The read value from the RTC on the MFP control PWB is abnormal such as "EE"h.
L4-01Description: Main motor lock detection When it is detected for 3 times continuously in the interval of 500ms after ignoring the main motor drive for 600ms.
E7-57Description: Incompatibility check (70ppm) (Engine (PCU) detection) Incompatibility check trouble An error is detected in the internal incompatibility check in the engine (PCU).
U2-90Description: EEPROM read/write error (PCU) EEPROM communication trouble (NACK detection) Retry 3 times
F1-33Description: Finisher/punch shift motor trouble When operating the punch shift motor, it does not move from the home position in 4sec. When operating the punch shift motor, it does not return to the home position in 4sec.
U1-02Description: RTC read error (combined use as FAX, on MFP control PWB) The read value from the RTC on the MFP control PWB is abnormal such as "EE"h.