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Sharp MXM1054 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ SCN mother board
E7-90Description: MFP - PCU PWB communication error
F0-72Description: Folding unit backup RAM trouble Data cannot be written into the backup RAM of the folding unit. The red values are abnormal.
F1-50Description: Main unit - Finisher combination error
F0-30Description: Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle No response for the command send from the saddle unit

Sharp MXM1054 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ SCN mother board
E7-90Description: MFP - PCU PWB communication error
F0-72Description: Folding unit backup RAM trouble Data cannot be written into the backup RAM of the folding unit. The red values are abnormal.
F1-50Description: Main unit - Finisher combination error
F0-30Description: Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle No response for the command send from the saddle unit
L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ SCN mother board
E7-90Description: MFP - PCU PWB communication error
F0-72Description: Folding unit backup RAM trouble Data cannot be written into the backup RAM of the folding unit. The red values are abnormal.
F1-50Description: Main unit - Finisher combination error
F0-30Description: Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle Communication trouble between the finisher and the saddle No response for the command send from the saddle unit