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Sharp MX6201N Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F2-87Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (Y)
E7-70Description: Scanner connection trouble
F2-02Description: Toner supply abnormality (K2)
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection)
L4-09Description: Resist motor lock

Sharp MX6201N Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F2-87Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (Y)
E7-70Description: Scanner connection trouble
F2-02Description: Toner supply abnormality (K2)
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection)
L4-09Description: Resist motor lock
F2-87Description: Half tone process control 2nd patch reference value trouble (Y)
E7-70Description: Scanner connection trouble
F2-02Description: Toner supply abnormality (K2)
A0-22Description: Machine level error (SCU detection)
L4-09Description: Resist motor lock