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Sharp MX5111FN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

F1-52Description: Finisher micro switch trouble
E6-11Description: Shading error (White correction)
U6-50Description: Desk - Main unit combination trouble
H7-10Description: Recovery error from low fuser temp. (TH_UM_AD2) The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from stopping a job due to fall in the fusing temperature.
L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ LSU mother board

Sharp MX5111FN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

F1-52Description: Finisher micro switch trouble
E6-11Description: Shading error (White correction)
U6-50Description: Desk - Main unit combination trouble
H7-10Description: Recovery error from low fuser temp. (TH_UM_AD2) The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from stopping a job due to fall in the fusing temperature.
L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ LSU mother board
F1-52Description: Finisher micro switch trouble
E6-11Description: Shading error (White correction)
U6-50Description: Desk - Main unit combination trouble
H7-10Description: Recovery error from low fuser temp. (TH_UM_AD2) The fusing temperature does not reach the specified level within the specified time from stopping a job due to fall in the fusing temperature.
L8-20Description: Communication error of MFPC PWB/ LSU mother board