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Sharp MX3500FN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

H2-04Description: Hang-up preventing thermistor open (TH-US) Thermistor open
E7-80Description: Communication trouble between the controller and the scanner Communication trouble between the MFP and the scanner MFP detection Communication establishment error/Framing/Parity/ Protocol error
A0-02Description: SCU ROM abnormality SCU ROM content trouble
F1-36Description: Finisher punch registration sensor trouble (MX-FNX2) Sensor input value abnormality
U2-23Description: MFPC section SRAM memory individual data check sum error MFPcnt PWB SRAM memory individual data check sum error (Communication management table, sender registration data, etc.)

Sharp MX3500FN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

H2-04Description: Hang-up preventing thermistor open (TH-US) Thermistor open
E7-80Description: Communication trouble between the controller and the scanner Communication trouble between the MFP and the scanner MFP detection Communication establishment error/Framing/Parity/ Protocol error
A0-02Description: SCU ROM abnormality SCU ROM content trouble
F1-36Description: Finisher punch registration sensor trouble (MX-FNX2) Sensor input value abnormality
U2-23Description: MFPC section SRAM memory individual data check sum error MFPcnt PWB SRAM memory individual data check sum error (Communication management table, sender registration data, etc.)
H2-04Description: Hang-up preventing thermistor open (TH-US) Thermistor open
E7-80Description: Communication trouble between the controller and the scanner Communication trouble between the MFP and the scanner MFP detection Communication establishment error/Framing/Parity/ Protocol error
A0-02Description: SCU ROM abnormality SCU ROM content trouble
F1-36Description: Finisher punch registration sensor trouble (MX-FNX2) Sensor input value abnormality
U2-23Description: MFPC section SRAM memory individual data check sum error MFPcnt PWB SRAM memory individual data check sum error (Communication management table, sender registration data, etc.)