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Sharp AR336 Top Searches

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L1 00Description: Scanner feed trouble. Scanner feed is not finished within the specified time. (timer is change by magnification)
E7 90Description: ICU communication trouble (PCU detection). Communication setup error/framing/parity/protocol error
F1 10Description: Finisher staple unit operation trouble. Staple operation trouble
U4 03Description: ADU rear edge plate operation abnormality. When the plate is not shifted from the home position for 1 sec or more or when returning to the home position is not detected for 5 sec or more.
U6 08Description: Desk 24-V power abnormality. No supply of DC24V to desk

Sharp AR336 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

L1 00Description: Scanner feed trouble. Scanner feed is not finished within the specified time. (timer is change by magnification)
E7 90Description: ICU communication trouble (PCU detection). Communication setup error/framing/parity/protocol error
F1 10Description: Finisher staple unit operation trouble. Staple operation trouble
U4 03Description: ADU rear edge plate operation abnormality. When the plate is not shifted from the home position for 1 sec or more or when returning to the home position is not detected for 5 sec or more.
U6 08Description: Desk 24-V power abnormality. No supply of DC24V to desk
L1 00Description: Scanner feed trouble. Scanner feed is not finished within the specified time. (timer is change by magnification)
E7 90Description: ICU communication trouble (PCU detection). Communication setup error/framing/parity/protocol error
F1 10Description: Finisher staple unit operation trouble. Staple operation trouble
U4 03Description: ADU rear edge plate operation abnormality. When the plate is not shifted from the home position for 1 sec or more or when returning to the home position is not detected for 5 sec or more.
U6 08Description: Desk 24-V power abnormality. No supply of DC24V to desk