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Samsung SCX11110F Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

22Description: The vertical lines are printed crookedly.
33Description: While the power is turned on, the printer is not working at all by the PRINT command from the computer.
01Description: The PC Scan is not functioning at all.
12Description: The ink is put in the set, but it cannot sensed.
23Description: The color is different from the original document in the printing.

Samsung SCX11110F Common Errors

The most common error codes.

22Description: The vertical lines are printed crookedly.
33Description: While the power is turned on, the printer is not working at all by the PRINT command from the computer.
01Description: The PC Scan is not functioning at all.
12Description: The ink is put in the set, but it cannot sensed.
23Description: The color is different from the original document in the printing.
22Description: The vertical lines are printed crookedly.
33Description: While the power is turned on, the printer is not working at all by the PRINT command from the computer.
01Description: The PC Scan is not functioning at all.
12Description: The ink is put in the set, but it cannot sensed.
23Description: The color is different from the original document in the printing.