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Samsung ML3560 Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

36Description: The printing is not working properly even when the cable has no problem. (even after the cable is replaced) If the printer won't work at all or the strange fonts are repeated, the printer driver may be defective or wrong setup in the CMOS Se
04Description: 1. Dark or blurry black spots occur periodically in the printing. 2. White spots occur periodically in the printing.
15Description: Blank page is printed.
26Description: The motor breaks away from its place due to gear melting away.
05Description: The printed image is light, with no ghost.

Samsung ML3560 Common Errors

The most common error codes.

36Description: The printing is not working properly even when the cable has no problem. (even after the cable is replaced) If the printer won't work at all or the strange fonts are repeated, the printer driver may be defective or wrong setup in the CMOS Se
04Description: 1. Dark or blurry black spots occur periodically in the printing. 2. White spots occur periodically in the printing.
15Description: Blank page is printed.
26Description: The motor breaks away from its place due to gear melting away.
05Description: The printed image is light, with no ghost.
36Description: The printing is not working properly even when the cable has no problem. (even after the cable is replaced) If the printer won't work at all or the strange fonts are repeated, the printer driver may be defective or wrong setup in the CMOS Se
04Description: 1. Dark or blurry black spots occur periodically in the printing. 2. White spots occur periodically in the printing.
15Description: Blank page is printed.
26Description: The motor breaks away from its place due to gear melting away.
05Description: The printed image is light, with no ghost.