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Roland AJ1000 AdvancedJet Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

0162Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 3 Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0101Description: Limit Position Initialize has not been done.
0202Description: Head 3 is abnormally hot. Head 3 temperature has reached 58°C and above.
0141Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for dryer (2 lines/middle).
0163Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 4 Sensor does not reach the expected value.

Roland AJ1000 AdvancedJet Common Errors

The most common error codes.

0162Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 3 Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0101Description: Limit Position Initialize has not been done.
0202Description: Head 3 is abnormally hot. Head 3 temperature has reached 58°C and above.
0141Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for dryer (2 lines/middle).
0163Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 4 Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0162Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 3 Sensor does not reach the expected value.
0101Description: Limit Position Initialize has not been done.
0202Description: Head 3 is abnormally hot. Head 3 temperature has reached 58°C and above.
0141Description: There is a problem with Thermistor for dryer (2 lines/middle).
0163Description: Even though the machine carries out the regular movement, the output of Pressure Pump 4 Sensor does not reach the expected value.