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Ricoh SPC431DN Top Searches

These results are ranked by popularity.

687Description: Memory address command error The BCU does not receive a memory address command from the controller for the prescribed time after the paper has reached the registration sensor.
363Description: TD sensor (Vt high) error 1: Y • The Vt value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sensor exceeds the specified value (default: 4.7V) with SP3020-002 twenty counts. • The [Vt - Vtref] value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sens
540Description: Fusing/Paper exit motor error The BCU receives the lock signal 2.0 seconds after turning on the fusing/paper exit motor.
867Description: SD card error The SD card is ejected from the slot.
232Description: FGATE ON error: Y The PFGATE ON signal does not assert within 5 seconds after processing the image in normal job or MUSIC (line position adjustment) for start position [Y].

Ricoh SPC431DN Common Errors

The most common error codes.

687Description: Memory address command error The BCU does not receive a memory address command from the controller for the prescribed time after the paper has reached the registration sensor.
363Description: TD sensor (Vt high) error 1: Y • The Vt value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sensor exceeds the specified value (default: 4.7V) with SP3020-002 twenty counts. • The [Vt - Vtref] value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sens
540Description: Fusing/Paper exit motor error The BCU receives the lock signal 2.0 seconds after turning on the fusing/paper exit motor.
867Description: SD card error The SD card is ejected from the slot.
232Description: FGATE ON error: Y The PFGATE ON signal does not assert within 5 seconds after processing the image in normal job or MUSIC (line position adjustment) for start position [Y].
687Description: Memory address command error The BCU does not receive a memory address command from the controller for the prescribed time after the paper has reached the registration sensor.
363Description: TD sensor (Vt high) error 1: Y • The Vt value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sensor exceeds the specified value (default: 4.7V) with SP3020-002 twenty counts. • The [Vt - Vtref] value of the black, magenta, cyan, or yellow TD sens
540Description: Fusing/Paper exit motor error The BCU receives the lock signal 2.0 seconds after turning on the fusing/paper exit motor.
867Description: SD card error The SD card is ejected from the slot.
232Description: FGATE ON error: Y The PFGATE ON signal does not assert within 5 seconds after processing the image in normal job or MUSIC (line position adjustment) for start position [Y].